What Exactly Is A Decentralized Currency?

When it comes to trading cryptocurrencies there are many benefits. Though, perhaps the benefit most touted is that much of the crypto market is decentralized. Decentralization is a good thing, right? It must be since crypto supporters are always mentioning it as a major benefit.

That any market is decentralized is a complicated and nuanced situation. There is much to be understood in regard to how trade works, and how centralization in particular works. Hence, simply calling decentralization a positive thing is enormously reductive. Although centralized and decentralized markets both have benefits, understanding what those benefits are is very important.

It should also be understood that not all crypto trade is decentralized.

What Is Centralisation?

A trade market can be centralized. Centralization means that all transactions go through a central third party, such as a bank. Traders are indeed transacting with one another, but every trade must also pass through the bank. The bank facilitates, monitors, and regulates every trade, ensuring that it progresses smoothly. The bank will also take the fees. Though, of course, banks certainly don’t limit their fees to just trade facilitation.

As is obvious, centralization isn’t necessarily a negative thing. That banks carefully regulate trade is exceptionally beneficial to everyone, maintaining control in what would otherwise be an enormously chaotic situation. Yes, banks can feel restrictive and overbearing, often slowing the pace of trade to a crawl. But the trade-off is a stable market that can mostly be relied on.

Some crypto markets are centralized, and as such are regulated. Handy sites like Bitcoin Codes give insight into which cryptos are and aren’t centralized.

What Is Decentralised?

Decentralisation is, simply put, removing the bank from a trading market. If buyers and sellers are dealing directly with one another this is decentralization. Selling a car directly to a neighbor would be decentralized trade.

So what are the benefits of decentralized trade? Firstly the deal will be dramatically faster, far less restricted, and not be subject to any fees. Great benefits that virtually any trader can get behind.

On the other hand, no third-party moderator will be at hand to resolve any issues. What if the trade doesn’t go according to plan? What if a trader tries to pull a scam or is otherwise not reliable? Clearly, as much as decentralization is positive it can also be negative.

Crypto Is Extremely Flexible

It is an enormous misconception to think that all crypto trade is decentralized. While the currencies can indeed be traded in decentralized markets, there is also a large portion of the market that is fully centralized.

The most exciting part about cryptos is that they are, by their very nature, extremely flexible. Traders can switch between one market and another as they see fit, depending on their preferences. This flexibility is what makes the whole concept so appealing, and why traders are so excited about it. Unlike fiat currency, crypto can be used exactly as a trader prefers. It is all a matter of smart traders embracing freedom, making smart investments, and thriving.

How to Manage Finances During Holiday

A holiday is a season whereby friends and families gather to spend some time together. With rising inflation that is affecting the cost of groceries and clothes, people will want to manage their finances. And holiday spending can be a source of financial stress. Here is an article that can save you from financial stress.

Use Your Finances Wisely When Shopping

You have to make your money go further by shopping strategically. Take advantage of early shopping holidays with cheap stuff such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales. In addition, make use of price comparison apps such as ShopSavvy to find the best deals. Moreover, when shopping online take advantage of browser extensions like Capital One Shopping, Ibotta, and Rakuten for specials to help save your money. Also, you look for resale sites like eBay.

Create Less Costly Traditions

You have to come up with ways that can make you enjoy your holiday with the people you care about without spending a lot on your finances. Find activities that cost less that make you and your friends or family entertain yourselves. Furthermore, create memories with activities like baking, watching holiday movies, playing games making crafts, and many more other activities that do not cost you a lot. 

Make Use Of Credit Cards Rather Than Debit Cards

If you shop with credit cards has more security from potential thugs. Moreover, making use of credit cards that make you have cashback can help you in budgeting your money.  You can also try the best online casino in Australia to make extra cash. If you are going to spend some money shopping you might as well come back with something. You have to evaluate your money before you do this. In addition, you do not have a debt that you cannot afford to pay back later.

In conclusion, holidays can strain all your finances if you do not come up with ways to save your money.

Benefits of having a financial budget

Having a financial budget is very important because it helps you to use money wisely and make important decisions when it comes to money. It also limits your spending thus living you with some money to use when you need currency. The budget also shows you where you are spending your money, where you are making profits and where you are making losses. let’s explore more about the benefits of having a financial budget in the article below.

A financial budget helps you know your goals

Having a financial budget helps you to know your goals and encourages you to work towards those goals. You will also know where you are spending your money the most and leads you to where you should be spending your money instead. One must know their goals and make their financial budgets according to those goals. Also, the financial budget reminds you that you have bigger goals whenever you get attracted by small shiny things.  Thus financial budget keeps track of all the things that you buy and sometimes limits you from all those unnecessary expenses to make your bigger goal come true.

It helps you to have a peaceful retirement

Saving you money before you retire will help you have a peaceful retirement. Moreover, you will also have enough time to rest during your retirement. You might also consider investing the finance that you will be budgeting into making your new online casino. At least this will give you money when you have retired. Thus making a financial budget will make your retirement an easy and relaxing one.

Making a financial budget helps you to prepare for emergencies

Saving some money will help you later in the future when they are unexpected emergencies like going to the hospitals, deaths, and also accidents. A family member or you might also get injured, thus financial budgets help in those kinds of emergencies.

In conclusion, it is wise to create a financial budget as it will help you to acquire and achieve your goals. It will also help you when you encounter emergencies.

Was Your Parents’ Financial Advice Simply….Wrong?

Bob Dylan’s song The Times They Are A-Changing’ highlighting generational shifts was released 55 years ago and advises mothers and fathers to avoid criticism of what they cannot understand since the order they recognize is changing. Over a half a century later the words still resonate as parents look to advise their children on their financial future.

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Foremost amongst their concerns are education and getting on the famed property ladder, from which many of them will have benefited.

Tuition Fees

As tuition fees have spiraled in the UK since they were introduced nationwide in 1998, the choice of further education options has been the subject of debate, setting degrees versus apprenticeships at the forefront of the discussion. Over a third of a million students were accepted at universities, according to the available figures from 2018.

In 2017 the Institute for Financial Studies said that students in England would graduate with debts of over £50,000, with students from poorer households incurring more, impacting their ability to purchase the property.

At the same time as the undergraduate numbers have grown, apprenticeships, including degree apprenticeships, have increasingly been seen as an option offering the opportunity to earn whilst you study. Once earning, it is vital to seek independent financial advice on how to maximize your savings, and it is never too soon to seek help. As pensions and savings plans change constantly, parents may be out of touch with the best options.

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The thousands of courses on offer at universities mean that if you are unsure what career you want to pursue, a broader course such as an Arts or Social Science degree can offer more options.

Indeed, you may be surprised to discover that apprenticeships are available in the law, accountancy and the media as an alternative to a degree. Options are due to expand, with the government committing to creating three million more apprenticeships by 2020.

Financial Advice

Given the debt which can be incurred, getting financial advice and comparing potential earnings from different courses is a recommended course of action.

With the emergence of financial software for financial advisors found at sites such as www.intelliflo.com, help is at hand.

Times really have changed, and parents must be more pro-active when offering advice to their children if they are to avoid saddling them with debt which could affect their futures.

What Is Mobile Home Insurance?

Mobile home insurance is very similar to an insurance policy for homeowners in that it gives financial protection should your home be damaged. Although it is not necessary to obtain such a policy by law, communities within the mobile home sector and mortgage companies often require that coverage be purchased.

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Policies usually protect personal belongings and your home. They also offer liability coverage. Prices can vary greatly, so it is a good idea to get lots of different quotes in order to find reasonably priced mobile home insurance.

Is Mobile Home Insurance Needed?

As it is thought that the current answer to the homeless crisis could be the installation of park homes, more and more people may, therefore, be considering whether mobile home insurance is necessary.

Although mobile home insurance is not necessary by law, parks containing mobile homes usually require some proof that insurance has been obtained. Therefore, anybody who wishes to have their home within a park for mobile homes will need to obtain insurance.

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What Is Covered by Mobile Home Insurance?

Mobile home insurance covers the belongings and home of the policyholder. It also includes protection for liability. Most providers are agreeable to policyholders customizing their policies via endorsements. They are supplemental to the standard policy. Endorsements can give coverage that will not come as standard in an insurance policy for homeowners, such as removal of debris or water damage caused by sewers.

As manufactured homes can be susceptible to fire damage, some companies do not include fire damage for policies taken out within regions that are considered to be of high risk.

As with all documents, it is always a wise idea to scrutinize all the details of the policy so you have a very clear idea of what is and what is not covered.

For those considering park homes, Gloucestershire has a lot of options. You can find many Gloucester park homes for sale.

Older Mobile Homes

It is hard to obtain insurance for mobile homes that are older, as mobile homes that are built prior to 1976 did not have regulated building standards. It is still possible, however, for homeowners wishing to obtain such insurance to get in touch with an independent agent who should hopefully be able to assist.


Buy-to-Let Lenders Crack Down on Landlords Suspected of Tax Avoidance

With the latest government tightening of tax rules for buy-to-let investors, it is surprising that there are still people willing to put their money into real estate. In the tax year 2019/20, mortgage interest payments relief against rental income had been reduced to 25%. Come 2020/21, that relief disappears and will be replaced by a 20% tax credit which may adversely affect profits of many landlords.

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The Bug-Bear for Mortgage Lenders

There’s general talk in the industry of mortgage lenders declining loans to landlords who could be breaking HMRC’s anti-avoidance rules. The problem starts when a landlord decides that to make the most of his investment he should transfer ownership of his buy-to-let into a limited company. The advantage of rental income earned by a company is immediate. All mortgage interest, repairs, and maintenance, managing agent fees and outlay for property inventory software are tax deductible in one form or another. However, mortgage lenders, despite charging higher fees and interest rates on buy-to-let mortgages, regard these beneficial interest mortgages with alarm – basically because most prefer dealing with individuals who they can see rather than a company with shareholders who have the advantage of hiding behind the corporate veil.

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Negotiating the Mechanics of a Transfer

This is a minefield and not for the faint-hearted. Professional tax/legal advisers must be consulted. We’re talking here of possible Capital Gains Tax, Stamp Duty Land Tax, Corporation Tax, Income Tax, and even National Insurance if you make yourself an employee. At first, glance, applying for and obtaining a Capital Gains Tax rollover relief when transferring the property into a company would be the ideal. However, get it wrong and you might end up fighting your case in court.

Business Tools to Manage Your Portfolio

As with any well-run business, investing in property investment software is vital to keep track of everything you own. If you think this is a step too far for you, consider which businesses would use property inventory software and the benefits thereof. Tenants, lease records, contracts, communication history, repairs and maintenance requests, late-payment records, inventories with photos and on-site property inspection records can all be updated and accessed at the click of a button.

At the end of the day, the decision to incorporate is all down to careful tax planning – not tax avoidance.

Mobile mechanic insurance – what’s covered?

A mobile mechanic visits customers at their own home or place of work. They operate out of a van and carry tools and equipment from job to job. They may work full time or part time, but either way, they will need a policy that covers all elements of their particular business, from roadside recovery to battery charging.

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Types of cover available

The most basic form of cover is a policy that enables the mechanic to drive and work on customers’ vehicles. There is also a similar policy but with fire and theft cover, whilst the vehicle is in the mobile mechanic’s care.

The third type of motor trade insurance policy for the mobile mechanic is the comprehensive cover, which will protect their own vehicle, and themselves, as well as customers’ vehicles. For a mobile mechanic, their vehicle is the crucial element that enables them to operate their business, so it would be advisable to protect this as well as the tools and instruments that it carries.

If staff is employed, the Employer’s Liability cover will be essential and required by law to cover against any illness, injury or death sustained by an employee during the course of their employment.

Product Liability is a recommended element to the mobile mechanic’s motor trade insurance. This would cover all work on a customer’s vehicle. If, for example, a repair failed, then the mechanic would be covered against any claims made under legislation such as the Consumer Rights Act 2015 and any associated costs.

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Finally, Public Liability covers any claims made by members of the public and is recommended a cover for any business that interacts with the public.

Bespoke policies

There are all kinds of service that a mobile mechanic could offer, such as roadside assistance, recovery, valeting or a home-based MOT service. Therefore, the mobile mechanic should carefully choose a reputable insurance broker who can provide motor trade insurance tailored to suit the mechanic’s business.

The right insurance is highly recommended for any kind of mobile mechanic, whether they work full time or part-time. The nature of their work carries significant risks, which need to be protected. Therefore, trade policy for this specific type of trader needs careful attention to detail and regular review by a broker to ensure all relevant elements of the business are covered.
